It's the time of year that I really hate. I don't celebrate christmas, yet all I see are lights and decorations everywhere I go. The cold weather doesn't help my disposition either. It's also supposed to be the slow time of year for music, but not this year. There are so many shows coming up that I don't know where I'm going to find time for much else. Just this week alone, there are three shows to go to, The Luchagor's on Tuesday, LA Guns on Thursday, The Misfits on Friday, and the Brian Deneke Memorial show on Saturday. In addition to everything that is going on, I have to get an appointment with the doctor to have my leg looked at, since I'm having a lot more issues than I let anyone know. My oldest also keeps getting himself in trouble, and his mother and I are doing nothing but fighting over it. She's pushing me to the point of fighting for custody, although I've always felt that they belong with her. She has it in her head that her way is the only way despite what the court or anyone else has to say. All I can say is that her attitude needs to change before I'm backed into a corner with no choice except for taking her back to court. I admit that I'm behind on child support, but my physical issues are known and understood. She refuses to work, and would have no excuse for not paying child support. She never looks at anything from any angle but her own.
I wish there was some super procedure that could just heal your leg and make it all better
I hope your wife opens her eyes and sees that when it comes to your boys you two need to be on the same page! Your not married anymore..but you still have children together and really should be partners in that.. and she needs to remember that it's not about her..and her getting her way..but about her and your son..and that she should do what's best for him..not her! She sounds really selfish and childish..sorry but she does (I so just passed jugdement on someone I do not know..based on a little bit of informations..I'm a total bitch..and I'm doing something I HATE!!! when others do.. I'm now slapping my hand)