Looks like i am single again, and not very happy about it but what can i do but move on?
When will mothers let their duaghters grow up??? I mean come on now, if she went away to college mom would have no control at all.
I could write such a rant here on this but i would get myself worked up any mor ethan i need to.
I am about 2 minutes form completely freaking out right now.....
glad to know you're ok. how ya been...besides that...
i do have one, but i havent been on a computer in ages, besides work... so i forgot it.
are you on myspace?
I havent updated in a while. A lot of the same has been going on. I am still working on my clothing project and it scoming along soooo slooooow, ut its gettng there. I have a feeling its gonna seem slow then all of a sudden just take off and happen fast. Over all though, things are good.

I am about to go get the...
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i am getting closer and closer everyday to actualy having a store....

anyone wanna checkout my clothing???
what kind of clothing? you make it?

you have clothing?
I need to get this business of mine up and runnin!!! I am hoping to have some thinsg available for sale soon.

If anyone out there can or knows someone that can help a person with a great idea, a lot of motivation, and a great worrk ethic out in starting their dream PLEASE let me know!!!

I have everything in place accept the start...
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So i know what i wnat to do with my life. I know what careewr i want. I want to own a business of my own. I want a clothing and art store. I have everything set and in place. Everyone i have told abot my ideas and plans think its a great idea and would do very well. I know i can make it...
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So I used to go out every Thursday night to this bar where some friends spun some nice deep house. I wouldnt always stay late but i would have adrink or two. I havent gone in about a month now for various reaosns. I was planning on going tonight but.....there is always a but....I am broke as hell for one, my knees are killing me...
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I just rejoined, so im here for a bit longer!!!

I have been really motivated to get my store going. I am looking at a space soon, checking on some webhosting to get my site goin, and getting some printing things done!!!

Anyone interested? let me know!!!
Thank you for the lovely comments you left on my set. I really appreciated it and it was very wonderful of you!!! kiss kiss