Having more than one online journal can be a pain. I never know which one to write in, which on eI did write in, what I wrote, and blah blah blah. My phone keeps ringing and I keep ignoring it. I am so bad at that, or good depending on how you look at it. I know that my place of employment is tryinmg to call so they can fire me. I just keep not answering just to annoy them! Yay for unemployment.
I need to go through everything I own and reduce it down to near nothing. I dont want to have a lot of stuff. Minimalism in possessions is a good thing. That word has a lot of s's in it.
I need to go through everything I own and reduce it down to near nothing. I dont want to have a lot of stuff. Minimalism in possessions is a good thing. That word has a lot of s's in it.