So after playing around with Linux Mint for a little while I really like it. I think it's a very usable OS and seems to run faster than Windows did on that laptop. Only problem is some of the third party software I use from time to time isn't compatible. I think I'm going to rummage around ebay for a smaller laptop that I can...
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I took a half day from work today because I need some mental health time so when I got home I decided to install Linux Mint on one of my older laptops.......
So after fiddling around for a few hours I was finally able to create a bootable microsd card to run Kali Linux on my Raspberry Pi 3 but for some reason I'm having a hell of a time with Ubuntu Mate. I've given up for the day...……
My desk is getting cluttered, I wish I had the space for a U-shaped desk which would be more productive but I just don't.
I'm tired of winter..........
Today's expected high is only 14 degrees, so glad I took the day off......
I lost power for a couple of hours, it just came back on thankfully. It's 15 degrees out now and still dropping. No power means no heat and that would have been bad on a night like this..........
So snowmaggedon turned to rain, all that panic for nothing.......