So I am free from school until the 12th and I am quite lucky grade-wise. My gpa did go down... But only by about .03, so I kept my 3.7.
Home is okay, just boring. I have seen my best friend and she acted relatively normal but I still feel like things are off with her.
I went to the Christmas Village with friends yesterday in below zero weather. Then we saw "Doubt", which was good.
Oh and I went to a screening of Benjamin Button last week... It was very good. It will probably win best picture.
Home is okay, just boring. I have seen my best friend and she acted relatively normal but I still feel like things are off with her.
I went to the Christmas Village with friends yesterday in below zero weather. Then we saw "Doubt", which was good.
Oh and I went to a screening of Benjamin Button last week... It was very good. It will probably win best picture.
hey darling .....have fantastic christmas holidays happy new year ....and many many gift under your christmas tree a lots of kisses for you !!!
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Happy Holidays!