Is this a natural born behavior or is it learned? Today I got a lesson from my 5 year old daughter. We are at the gas station sitting at the pump in our F150 all done filling up and waiting to pull out. This older woman pulls directly in front of me and stops! She just sits there and as my patience runs out I scream at her "ok lady lets move it" she doesnt hear me or pretends not to. She moves out of the way finally moving into the pump she wanted. From the backseat I hear this "daddy.....she was just waiting. She didnt do it on purpose, she just couldnt move cause people were blocking her. She didnt mean to stop there. Be nice to her daddy"
I drove off impressed first by the observation skills of my young daughter and then her ability to understand and reason.
Then boom like a baseball bat it hits me .....was the 12 seconds that lady took from my life worth getting frustrated over and did she really sit there that long in the big picture. Where did I learn my behavior and where did my daughter get hers? I messed up so did she learn from me? Not likely considering I just proved I could mess it up when tested.
I was really impressed all around but then intrigued
Is this a natural born behavior or is it learned? Today I got a lesson from my 5 year old daughter. We are at the gas station sitting at the pump in our F150 all done filling up and waiting to pull out. This older woman pulls directly in front of me and stops! She just sits there and as my patience runs out I scream at her "ok lady lets move it" she doesnt hear me or pretends not to. She moves out of the way finally moving into the pump she wanted. From the backseat I hear this "daddy.....she was just waiting. She didnt do it on purpose, she just couldnt move cause people were blocking her. She didnt mean to stop there. Be nice to her daddy"
I drove off impressed first by the observation skills of my young daughter and then her ability to understand and reason.
Then boom like a baseball bat it hits me .....was the 12 seconds that lady took from my life worth getting frustrated over and did she really sit there that long in the big picture. Where did I learn my behavior and where did my daughter get hers? I messed up so did she learn from me? Not likely considering I just proved I could mess it up when tested.
I was really impressed all around but then intrigued
Its natural born I believe... if you stop and pay attention to little kids, they are very insightful. You have an amazing little girl hun <3