my city will kill you.

my best friend and i are getting portraits done next monday. +1 for funny photo opps.
i'm missing swayze night right now, for the first time evar. after 6 months of swayze, this feels so WRONG.
the other founders just called me, and i wanna move back in with them. immediately.
maybe i'll go back to nola for a couple weeks. if no other summer trips pan out, a greyhound round trip down there is about $130. i can do that, for my sanity, in a month.
but who knows?
my ear is clogged.
for clarification:
by "founders" i mean the founders of swayze night. two of my best friends and i created this monster, and it's the sweetest monster at tulane.
my city will kill you.

my best friend and i are getting portraits done next monday. +1 for funny photo opps.
i'm missing swayze night right now, for the first time evar. after 6 months of swayze, this feels so WRONG.
the other founders just called me, and i wanna move back in with them. immediately.
maybe i'll go back to nola for a couple weeks. if no other summer trips pan out, a greyhound round trip down there is about $130. i can do that, for my sanity, in a month.
but who knows?
my ear is clogged.

for clarification:
by "founders" i mean the founders of swayze night. two of my best friends and i created this monster, and it's the sweetest monster at tulane.
????? founders? swayze??
!!!! hurry back!