Well, blandness and a week of dark and heavy rain have given way to a lot of activity for which I am most thankful.
I should've started on something like this weeks ago, but I'm making a promo packet in an attempt to raise some money to make a short film. Not exactly a short film, but a trailer of sorts for a feature length script I've written. In mid-April my friends and I are going to have a premiere screening of the movie we shot in 2001 and is FINALLY getting finished. Aside from the screening being for friends and cast and crew, we're using it to sort of herald our move to Portland and introduce ourselves to the film community here.
In light of that, I figured it might behoove us to have a trailer or something for another project we've got in the works to screen before the movie. Then we'd have something to talk about and get people jazzed about.
And it would be a lot of fun, of course. That's the important part.
I'll keep you posted. May happen, may not. Keep yer fingers crossed. Oh, and if you know anyone who might be interested in investing a grand or two in the movie business, lemme know...
I should've started on something like this weeks ago, but I'm making a promo packet in an attempt to raise some money to make a short film. Not exactly a short film, but a trailer of sorts for a feature length script I've written. In mid-April my friends and I are going to have a premiere screening of the movie we shot in 2001 and is FINALLY getting finished. Aside from the screening being for friends and cast and crew, we're using it to sort of herald our move to Portland and introduce ourselves to the film community here.
In light of that, I figured it might behoove us to have a trailer or something for another project we've got in the works to screen before the movie. Then we'd have something to talk about and get people jazzed about.
And it would be a lot of fun, of course. That's the important part.
I'll keep you posted. May happen, may not. Keep yer fingers crossed. Oh, and if you know anyone who might be interested in investing a grand or two in the movie business, lemme know...
i tried calling you to see if you were going to the troma movie last night but kept getting a busy signal. oh well.
you don't love us anymore.