Anybody remember So I Married An Axe Murderer? I only saw it once but I certainly thought it was funny back then. I'm feeling a bit better about things today.
Been looking for a new home in January, starting to think about what I'm going to do job-wise and so on. I want to take most of next month to try and get a lot of writing done though. I should really do that while I'm not working. Not that writing isn't working, but it's not like anyone is paying me to do it either.
Anybody got a room available in PDX? I'm a good room-mate. I got lots of DVDs, I'm pretty low-key, I'm clean and I like cool people...
I fucking forgot about Dante's last night. I hope I didn't miss anything too cool, although it's safe to assume I did. If I can go to the gift exchange, perhaps that'll make up for it. Although I may not be in town for that either, dammit.
Things are all right. Strange, vaguely tumultuous, but not altogether bad.
Anybody remember So I Married An Axe Murderer? I only saw it once but I certainly thought it was funny back then. I'm feeling a bit better about things today.
Been looking for a new home in January, starting to think about what I'm going to do job-wise and so on. I want to take most of next month to try and get a lot of writing done though. I should really do that while I'm not working. Not that writing isn't working, but it's not like anyone is paying me to do it either.
Anybody got a room available in PDX? I'm a good room-mate. I got lots of DVDs, I'm pretty low-key, I'm clean and I like cool people...
I fucking forgot about Dante's last night. I hope I didn't miss anything too cool, although it's safe to assume I did. If I can go to the gift exchange, perhaps that'll make up for it. Although I may not be in town for that either, dammit.
Things are all right. Strange, vaguely tumultuous, but not altogether bad.
yeah you missed a lot at dante's. like me!!! nah it wasn't that great, i mean maybe it was, i just don't remember