So... had a party on Saturday night. Figured I needed to do something to fill the gaping hole in my life that my inability to go to prom had created. The party went great. Leastways I thought it did! I got thoroughly inebriated, danced with lots of hott girls and got to see a great many of my closest friends. I can't wait until the weather is consistently better and we can have some bigger parties incorporating more of our yard and such. I fucking love having parties. I mean you get a whole load of people whom you like, put them all together with the sole intent to have a good time, get them drunk... It just doesn't get much better. Good times. Thanks to everyone who came over and augmented the merriment!
I was worthless yesterday, so now I must begin the rebuilding process on my home. Shouldn't be too difficult, and it's a gorgeous day so I'm in the mood to be proactive. Life is beautiful.
Addendum - The house is clean. Miami and I knocked that one out over the day, got to cruise around outside spreading propaganda with Eris, sat on the porch, ate some ice cream, and now I think Miami and I are gonna play some HALO. Things just don't get much better.
I was worthless yesterday, so now I must begin the rebuilding process on my home. Shouldn't be too difficult, and it's a gorgeous day so I'm in the mood to be proactive. Life is beautiful.

Addendum - The house is clean. Miami and I knocked that one out over the day, got to cruise around outside spreading propaganda with Eris, sat on the porch, ate some ice cream, and now I think Miami and I are gonna play some HALO. Things just don't get much better.

[Edited on May 21, 2003]