Just got in from a long weekend in the desert. Abso-fucking-lutely beautiful over there. I desperately want to go back and go camping. I love the desert. Spent Mother's Day weekend with my ma, which was real nice, then hung out at my dad's for a couple of days. Hiked around, dug in some caves, watched some really good movies, got to see my parents whom I don't get to see too often... All good stuff.
I want to write a longer journal entry, but it's so great outside and I want to get out and do something as well as reading e-mail and unpacking, etc., etc... So hopefully a longer more enlightening update will be forthcoming soon!
I want to write a longer journal entry, but it's so great outside and I want to get out and do something as well as reading e-mail and unpacking, etc., etc... So hopefully a longer more enlightening update will be forthcoming soon!

Alright...thanks for the suggestions...nex started a new sting...so post with us there again...do you have any links or maps of where these places are...I like the $50 field...would it fit 100 people???

hmmm. the inside scoop tells me that you already have an unfair advantage over the other applicants. lucky you!