so0o.. sittin here letting my fingers rest from playing guitar. i'm bored and waiting for 1:30 AM to come around because that's when Lindsay gets off of work. let's update..

these past two weeks i've only been able to see her twice .. sometimes i miss her so much i get pissed.. maybe thats normal.. i dont know. but, then again i guess its good...
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You're very pretty. love
teher eis a way you can take her with you but involves a tranq gun and smuggling thru UPS tongue

ive been slacking on my journal. now for an update!

nothing really exciting has happen.. not realy any change in my daily ritual. i met a girl. Lindsay.

last night was our second time seeing each other. it was awesome. we click so well. and she's a GREAT kisser. for those of you that dont know me (prolly all of you), kissing is very important...
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hehe I agree as well mmmmm kissing
Hope all is going well with you
Luv cat
Hey you Im leaving Sg for a bit
I have too much stuff going on right now and its super important that i concentrate so I must leave for a bit till i get caught up in all this work and stuff
Id like to talk to you still though
my e-mail is zippity_dodah@hotmail.com
Luv M
this weekend.. damn.. good and bad.

mom, bro, and bnard came up to visit from TN. it was great.. we got to go to coffee shops and smoke while in conversation. i missed it so much. then we had some fun in wally world. my bro and i jammed and sunday we even went to atlantic city!

my bro and i got into...
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glad you had an eventful weekend smile Have fun with that tongue piercing...*hands bottle of listerine* tongue
haha you guys are great! its funny how i get the most comments with my shortest entry. somehow, that doesnt seem to surprise me.

anywho.. i got to do a little roleplay today. i was cleaning one gentleman's house.. and i noticed he worked for NASA.. so suddenly *BAM!* im an undercover spy for the Russians!! muahaha! yes.. i was a feather-dustin fool!

then.. i...
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sounds like a fun day being russian spy and all. ARRR!!! (dunno why a pirate it just works lol) Being bored with somebody is always better than being bored alone biggrin
OMGoodness NASA hook me up pretty pretty pretty please darnet I wanna work for NASA.
I had this huge conversation with my dad earlier about the usage lithium carbide batteries being used in the aircraft industry with the possibility of future fuel cell engines in aricraft/spacecraft but (this is the design Ive been working on the one where i blew up the engine (I dont know if you read my journal so i dont know if you know that but i blew up an engine a week ago haha)) anyways it didn't work with my plans cause the batteries are to heavy and ohhhh Im rambling and you probabbly aren't interested in any of this ooooops
did you fix the toilet?
I should play pretend more often to but I tend to just daydream and get all confused smile
Luv Ya
Luv Cat
ep! i have nothing interesting to put in my journal.. sorry guys.. hah..hah.. ha...

.. . ... ...

It resembles Morse code. It might even say something. smile
you're a cutie... biggrin kiss
thankyou Ada and Cat. i really appecite the compassion that you show. im doing better.. but, i know its going to take a while for this to .. i dont know. i'll be alright.

*raises bottle..* cheers..
frown I don't know what "this" is, but I hope it gets better too smile smile
day 2 since the bad news.. and last night i received a call from my cousin back home telling me three ids were killed in a car accident in TN. he didnt know the names so i told him to let me know tomorrow. i hope .. i hope so high that i didnt know them. i cant take any more..

last nite i had...
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That was really beautiful. I'm so sorry.
Tragedy strikes when all is at its unaprochable. The life that once was still is whether in the form you remember or the form they wish you to remember is irrelevant. Fix your heart on that which is the truth of the moment and believe all is at peace in the world.
Im sorry so many bad things are falling upon you right now. I hope you can stand up and move on (not forget but go on with life) and be the person you are cause i think your amazing and im sure soooo many other people think the same. Your friend is at peace. It sucks but Im sure she misses you from afar as well.
Kisses and good thoughts be with you
Luv Cat
ps Im soooo sorry if this doesn't make sense im a bit drunk right now hehe smile

when are things going to get better!?!?!?

this morning i found out that my friend died this past week of leukemia/lymphoma. =( her dad sent me an email informing me. and yknow.. she never told me. i understand why.. but she was sucha beautiful person, and she was in my life.. but now she is gone.

i dont feel like being here.....
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Your post hit me really hard. I really dont know what to say. You are the fifth person I know on line that has had someone die in his or her life within the past week, but yours just shook me to the core. With all the others I replied with encouraging words, but with you all I can send is my condolences. This is the first time all week I am actually speechless. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, but I dont and for this I am sorry.
welp.. its a lonely week. all the family left to TN and im home alone.. well.. practically anyway. i have to babysit my uncle. not that he is incapable of taking care of himself but rather cleaning up after himself. ah.. its no big deal. i plan on looking for bands around here. i miss playing with the boys. *sniff* the good ol' days.

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Awww sorry bout your lonely house. Ill lend you some of the people inhabiting mine cept i dont know you'll like them much I could surely do withoutem. But hehe my sis will be here in 3 days eeeeeeeep yipeeeeee So excited hehe.
Have a good Day
Luv Cat
ps darnet i wanna play in a band to frown
when will things get better??

with the looks of things, i'll be going back to Tennessee this summer. *sigh* but i kinda like it here...besides the long winters, short summers, and most of the people.. i like it here. nobody knows you, so no one can spread rumors about you. the city is too big to spread rumors. i like no one knowing me.. kinda....
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You'll always have us! kiss


Ps. I HATE bright neon pink too. puke
hi smile
hm.. i believe its time my hair had some different colors.. i think i'll go with purple and blood red. yum.. i love blood red...and purple, of course.

this weekend should be interesting... five bi/gay people fighting over who is gonna get the bed. hahaha...i cant wait..i'll be sure to have pictures MUahaHAHA.. hAh..ah.. ha.. .. . .. .

k yeh well.. thats all folks....
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awww Cat, sorry to hear about your catastrophe.. i wonder wat went wrong there lol.. sorry i shouldnt laugh.. but.. haha im sorry .. i'll stop.. seriously... . ..*laughs in head*

and about the friend thing.. it would be nice to have some friend around here.. yes.. i just moved up here from TN about 7 months ago.. and 3 months after my arrival.. my truck gets stolen. SO.. there isnt really any way for me to go to those "people places".. yep..
Man what, people suck sorry your truck got stollen. frown
Hey and no laughing bout my hair meanie it sucks frown well sucked cause its black now and i guess thats alright I just wanted a change for a while I always have black hair.
I know what its like to be stuck to. I moved here when i was 17 didn't know anyone then i did the same thing again last year moved to a shit hole town to make money and study now Im back though. You sound like a pretty wiked person though so Im sure youll get along wellbiggrin
Hope you get some friends aroung there soon smile
Luv Cat kiss
*screams with painful laughter.. ripping the sheets.. salivating with this sensation..short quick breaths.. subdued..*

*relief* my fukin foot fell asleep.. that was probably the most exciting thing to happen to me today. HAH!

i think i'll work on my collage now.
sorry your foot fell asleep....it seemed exciting though smile
haha Your cute
Luv Cat kiss