understanding sarcasm is half the battle.
A Mix Tape having to do with "Growin Up"
Peter Gabriel and Bruce Springsteen come to mind..but I may dig a little deeper..as in a musical geneaology of mine..that could be fun..the only problem then has to do with being able to show up where it is schedule for at 6pm on Friday. I am usually at work then, but I will have to try and get my hrs in so i can leave by 5:30. The other obviousl part is where might it take place. Nothing against N Mpls, but I'd certainly prefer other parts of the cities.
btw- New Pics have been added, or rather recent pics. I have to say though, why in the frell can't you add like 5 or 10 at a time?..wish they'd enhance that part of the software on this site. I will add more soon as I have a lot of photos that are relatively new going back to last summer. Maybe some oldies as well to see my nearly identically ugly-mug
A Mix Tape having to do with "Growin Up"
Peter Gabriel and Bruce Springsteen come to mind..but I may dig a little deeper..as in a musical geneaology of mine..that could be fun..the only problem then has to do with being able to show up where it is schedule for at 6pm on Friday. I am usually at work then, but I will have to try and get my hrs in so i can leave by 5:30. The other obviousl part is where might it take place. Nothing against N Mpls, but I'd certainly prefer other parts of the cities.
btw- New Pics have been added, or rather recent pics. I have to say though, why in the frell can't you add like 5 or 10 at a time?..wish they'd enhance that part of the software on this site. I will add more soon as I have a lot of photos that are relatively new going back to last summer. Maybe some oldies as well to see my nearly identically ugly-mug


I love it. So yea Dire Straights would be on mine. When I was a little girl I thought he said "you get your money for nothin and your chicks for free" and I thought he meant chicks as in little chickens
and I said "mommy I want some free chicks". I also loved pink Floyd and I seriously thought he was pink but I was like 5. Oh yeah and also I got my hands on my moms prince album and I asked her "what does little Nikki want to grind". Okay and last memory I used to pretend Ringo Star was my husband. I am such a geek he he oh well.