Summer's comming and I have so much crap to do. Ya know, it sucks when you hobbies stress you out more than your job. Have to go to Atlanta next week leaving at 3am Sunday morning. If that isn't bad enough, I have to go with my boss. But ya, summer's comming.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 22, 2004
OK, as of now Johnna loves me, wants to be with me but can't because … -
Tuesday Sep 21, 2004
Tuesday Sep 07, 2004
OK, well this weekend was productive. I got a lot of things done and… -
Tuesday Aug 31, 2004
Well update on the Kate front. We broke up because she lived too far… -
Tuesday Aug 31, 2004
Well back from Florida and DAMN I'm glad to be home. I loved the wea… -
Wednesday Aug 25, 2004
Off to Florida tomorrow. I'm really not looking forward to it but I … -
Monday Aug 23, 2004
Leaving for Florida this week Finally a nice little vacation. Johnn… -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2004
Finally put some pics in my profile. Nothing exciting but take a loo… -
Thursday Aug 12, 2004
I feel weird lately. I am lonely but not interested in anyone. I am… -
Monday Aug 09, 2004
Well finally back into the swing of things. The racing was ok but no…
I found an attorney though! Hope he calls me back tonight!