Wow, well, where to begin. Interesting conversation with Kate. Apparently there is no point in us seeing each other since our relationship will never go anywhere. Since we will never see each ohter there is no point in us talking. Upon learning this I asked her if she see's a point to anything in life. She responded with a resounding, "NO. That is why I am going to kill myself when my dad dies." Apparently she doesnt' want to break his heart and do it sooner. This was not said as a cry for help or looking for attention. She told me just like she was telling me the sky was blue. After that it was not up for discussion. I am really worried about her but at the same time, feel totally helpless. I honestly believe she's going to do it and will not talk to anyone about it to be convinced otherwise. She later in the conversation told me the reason she is pushing me away is so she doest' fall for me any more than she already has and have another reason to live. Please, someone, give me some feedback on this.
I think it sounds pretty clear that she's already made up her mind - however, that doesn't mean it can't be changed. If you really care about her, make sure she knows that you're not giving up on her. And if it's at all possible, get her to see a professional. Maybe make incentives for her....but on the other hand, that might come off as condescending. Best of luck, whatever you do.
It was nice talking to you last night