I don't think today went very well, but who's to say that with any kind of certanty.
Game goes to cert tomorow, instead of today, since they need 48 hours to try to break it before it goes. (where more people try to break it) I finally rememberd to bring my balls to lunch and ask the girl I had a crush on for a date, and she has a boyfriend. It was St. Patricks for 80s night tonight which seemed to result in it sucking greatly. It may well have just been my attitude, though. My ex, whom I thought I may have something with before she leaves (just graduated) showed up with another guy. And a friend of mine seemd to do way better with a girl we met at 80s tonight, which is ok because I really owe him one anyway.
Success is as dangerous as failure.
Hope is as hollow as fear.
These kind of days remind me of that...so if a good day makes me forget the Tao, and a bad day reminds me of it, is a bad day really a bad day?
Game goes to cert tomorow, instead of today, since they need 48 hours to try to break it before it goes. (where more people try to break it) I finally rememberd to bring my balls to lunch and ask the girl I had a crush on for a date, and she has a boyfriend. It was St. Patricks for 80s night tonight which seemed to result in it sucking greatly. It may well have just been my attitude, though. My ex, whom I thought I may have something with before she leaves (just graduated) showed up with another guy. And a friend of mine seemd to do way better with a girl we met at 80s tonight, which is ok because I really owe him one anyway.
Success is as dangerous as failure.
Hope is as hollow as fear.
These kind of days remind me of that...so if a good day makes me forget the Tao, and a bad day reminds me of it, is a bad day really a bad day?
thanks for the suggestion!