Obi-wan: Let her go!
Anakin: You turned her against me!!!!
Obi-wan: You have done that yourself!
Anakin: You will not take her from me!
Obi-wan: You anger and your lust for power have already done have allowed this dark lord to twist to your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Anakin: Dont lecture me Obi-wan...i see through the lies of the Jedi, i do not fear the dark side as you do.
I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
Obi-wan: Your new Empire?
Anakin: Dont make me kill you!
Obi-wan: Anakin my allegion is to the Republic, the democracy!!
Anakin: If you are not with me then you are my enemy.
Obi-wan: Only a sith deals in absoulte... i will do what i must...
-takes out ligtsaber-
Anakin: You will try...
Yes, i have gone insane... but hey, i've always been a fan and always will.
This weekend should be uneventful.. it will be dull, and boring at night and thats ok. I need more sun on my skin and sand on my shoes.
What's your poison?
Mine is vodka and redbull/cranberry.
-Mnislahi ♥
Anakin: You turned her against me!!!!
Obi-wan: You have done that yourself!
Anakin: You will not take her from me!
Obi-wan: You anger and your lust for power have already done have allowed this dark lord to twist to your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Anakin: Dont lecture me Obi-wan...i see through the lies of the Jedi, i do not fear the dark side as you do.
I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
Obi-wan: Your new Empire?
Anakin: Dont make me kill you!
Obi-wan: Anakin my allegion is to the Republic, the democracy!!
Anakin: If you are not with me then you are my enemy.
Obi-wan: Only a sith deals in absoulte... i will do what i must...
-takes out ligtsaber-
Anakin: You will try...
Yes, i have gone insane... but hey, i've always been a fan and always will.

This weekend should be uneventful.. it will be dull, and boring at night and thats ok. I need more sun on my skin and sand on my shoes.
What's your poison?
Mine is vodka and redbull/cranberry.
-Mnislahi ♥
we ended up just going to la villa. im not sure why they changed their mind...oh was actually kinda fun. a lot of young people though. have to see my new piercings. they're pretty cool.....i love them! alright....well ill either post a picture or you'lll see me. later girl
thank you so much for the birthday wish!