I have new neighbors. Its been a while since i had a neighbor in this house. Well, this is a big house divided in 3.. but most of the time that I've lived here.. I havent had neighbors. Should i go say hi?
I heard their little kids talking and talking in Italian today.. they sound sooo cute. I love the italian accent and lang.. specially from kids. Sounds so adorable. I reminds me of the movie Life is beautiful.. now thats a movie that made me cry.
I was cleaning up outside (since there is still such a mess) and one of them was inside of a box and the other one is beating the hell of the box. It was funny. All i said was "ciao" and a smile. They are cute as hell too.
The have this horrible small dog. Notice that this is coming from someone that LOVES animals.. dogs in particular... but this dog is ew. His face looks like it has been photshopped from a human and turned into a dog. Its brown with weird blue eyes. I have no idea why but it freaked me out. He barks at me all the time.
Ok.. that was boring..
I have some cool news..
Kokeshi came back from wherever she was hiding.
Welcome back! call me!
Today or this weekend, rather... I have no idea what im doing.. whatever it is im sure i'll be hanging out with ender04.. get drunk or something.. same all, same all. What are you guys doing? Anything interesting?
I've had this headache for 2 days now!!
the fucker wont go away!! i hate this.
I rented 13 going on 30.. that was a cute movie.. so so cute. I still like Big better
Tell me something random about yourselves..
like me for instance.. i go through 4 boxes of cereals a week.
ok thats it for today.. have a great weekend and sorry for typos and long journals.. ^_^
p.s. i wont be around much and this was a quick update.. i'll go and bomb your journals when i come back.. monday most likely.
Leave me some love dammit!
i'll come back with some interesting news..

I heard their little kids talking and talking in Italian today.. they sound sooo cute. I love the italian accent and lang.. specially from kids. Sounds so adorable. I reminds me of the movie Life is beautiful.. now thats a movie that made me cry.

I was cleaning up outside (since there is still such a mess) and one of them was inside of a box and the other one is beating the hell of the box. It was funny. All i said was "ciao" and a smile. They are cute as hell too.

Ok.. that was boring..

Kokeshi came back from wherever she was hiding.

Today or this weekend, rather... I have no idea what im doing.. whatever it is im sure i'll be hanging out with ender04.. get drunk or something.. same all, same all. What are you guys doing? Anything interesting?
I've had this headache for 2 days now!!

I rented 13 going on 30.. that was a cute movie.. so so cute. I still like Big better

Tell me something random about yourselves..
like me for instance.. i go through 4 boxes of cereals a week.

ok thats it for today.. have a great weekend and sorry for typos and long journals.. ^_^
p.s. i wont be around much and this was a quick update.. i'll go and bomb your journals when i come back.. monday most likely.

ok somethign random. i can spin almost anything flat on my fingers. like books, plates clipboards stuff like that as long as it's not to light or heavy on one side. i have no idea where i learned how to did it either i guess just hours of boredom and taking martial arts my whole life came up with a weird talent. hope you had a nice week end