I finally saw "Troy" last night. yea, FINALLY. Brad Pitt is yummy.
5 days till NY!!!
I have the cutest purple nail polish!!
I'm missing this site on the weekends
There is the weirdest guy talking me.. lol he wont leave me alone!!! rolf this is too hilarious AAAAAAAAAND i think he is reading what im typing right now so.. fuck off fooker!!!
I didnt do much on the weekend.. just hang out at Shawn and Jenny's house and i went bowling with them and the rest of my friends.. god i was doing so good a first and then everything went downhill!! I learned from the screen that my friends name sean is shawn indeed.. i felt like such a bad and retard friend. I got so much shit for that!! hahha
I drank so much sangria. I love sangria.
Good thing i can make it really well.
I cant think of anything else right now.

5 days till NY!!!
I have the cutest purple nail polish!!

I'm missing this site on the weekends

There is the weirdest guy talking me.. lol he wont leave me alone!!! rolf this is too hilarious AAAAAAAAAND i think he is reading what im typing right now so.. fuck off fooker!!!
I didnt do much on the weekend.. just hang out at Shawn and Jenny's house and i went bowling with them and the rest of my friends.. god i was doing so good a first and then everything went downhill!! I learned from the screen that my friends name sean is shawn indeed.. i felt like such a bad and retard friend. I got so much shit for that!! hahha
I drank so much sangria. I love sangria.
Good thing i can make it really well.

I cant think of anything else right now.


didnt get an email??
do you know anything new bout barcelona? i guess i will be there from about 13 of juli till beinning of august