Time: 2:25 pm
Mood: ...as always, jumpy.
I have a headache!!
! I didnt drink last night though..
This weekend was nice.. on friday i went out with Kokeshi and the rest of my friends. Got totally wasted on Absinthe. Next morning I had no memory after glass 3. All saturday i was in this weird mood... not, mood.. my body just didnt feel right, couldnt think and if i did would be something really messed up, it was so hard for me to talk, and i couldnt even grab a pen!
.. i was like this ALL day! Went out for a while omfg i had a kebab.. it was soooo goood!
Movies i've seen in the past fe days:
Starsky and Hutch- it was an ok movie.. i'll give it that much.... it was not bad.. not very good.
The butterfly effect- A W E S O M E
omfg this movie
Win a date with Tad Hamilton- it was soooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!! lol
Hope you have a great sunday.. I'll be back tomorrow
oh p.s. Monkeys are cool.. hippos arent...
Mood: ...as always, jumpy.
I have a headache!!

This weekend was nice.. on friday i went out with Kokeshi and the rest of my friends. Got totally wasted on Absinthe. Next morning I had no memory after glass 3. All saturday i was in this weird mood... not, mood.. my body just didnt feel right, couldnt think and if i did would be something really messed up, it was so hard for me to talk, and i couldnt even grab a pen!

Movies i've seen in the past fe days:
Starsky and Hutch- it was an ok movie.. i'll give it that much.... it was not bad.. not very good.
The butterfly effect- A W E S O M E
omfg this movie

Hope you have a great sunday.. I'll be back tomorrow

oh p.s. Monkeys are cool.. hippos arent...

QK rocks! but, alas, i have lost my QK-ness...