OMFG!!!!!!!!! i wrote so much and it got erased!! *cries*
No more typing for me now!!!!!
hrmmmmph! alright well maybe a little...
lol yestrday was fun.. made it to page 5... hahah thx guys! specially babygirl79 and cc_baxter ! lol that was awesome!
Today im watching "Starsky & Hutch" at the Navy base (no, im not in the military). Wonder if that movie is any good... then later on today..go out with my the friends.. should be fun
i am really really hoping this weekend is better than the last one... i really do!
Does anybody watch "The Shield"? I just got seasong 1 & 2.. and omfg its really good. I dont know why i never really cared for that show before..
I read a few of your journals and had me in there i felt sooo special!!!
thxxx painofseperation, jcup, kludog_jr (even though he did a huge typo in my name), & babygirl79!!
Alright guys im out.. have a great weekend.. oh yea.. what are u doing btw..?
i dont usually update on the weekends so talk to you monday!
oh yea.. Kokeshi thinks im crazy!
Edited to say:
No more typing for me now!!!!!

lol yestrday was fun.. made it to page 5... hahah thx guys! specially babygirl79 and cc_baxter ! lol that was awesome!

Today im watching "Starsky & Hutch" at the Navy base (no, im not in the military). Wonder if that movie is any good... then later on today..go out with my the friends.. should be fun

i am really really hoping this weekend is better than the last one... i really do!

Does anybody watch "The Shield"? I just got seasong 1 & 2.. and omfg its really good. I dont know why i never really cared for that show before..
I read a few of your journals and had me in there i felt sooo special!!!

Alright guys im out.. have a great weekend.. oh yea.. what are u doing btw..?
i dont usually update on the weekends so talk to you monday!

oh yea.. Kokeshi thinks im crazy!

Edited to say:

Yeah, new record.....8 pages in a little over 12 hours.....not sure how, but I should start charging to post.

TADA!!!.....WE ARE FRIENDS!!!!!...HOOORAY!!!!!