ahaha of course i had to brag!
yeah rowan looks like her dad. she has my mouth and hair, and that's about it. keegan is a good mix of cliff and i, i think. thanks though!
Im feeling kind of detached from the site right now. I'm not sure if it's because I have less time to check everything out or if it's because Im getting less comments. It feels like a chore now to check my groups (except a couple of them) rather than something fun I look forward to. Really I dont know, just rambling thoughts.
It was pretty hot here today too. And we don't have air conditioning. No need for it really. It's mostly 75 and partly cloudy here. 'cept for here recently.
Wow have we ever been busy. Between bounce house and birthday parties in the park, pride, the county fair, the ren fair, and stuff in between, Logan is one tired but happy baby.
Her first tooth finaly popped up a couple days ago. We've been using the nightime orajel because it's stronger and tylenol sometimes.
How's your little one doing?
Awww what a cutie pie. Isn't it the most facinating thing watching them learn new things?
Thanks for the tip about Craigslist. We've been doing a free version of that called freecycle so it should be easy enough to figure out.