Well, that's my eyeliner sorted. Collection 2000. It's really nice. I may have a look at some slighly darker ones, but I'm quite happy for the moment. I'm now armed with black, purple and silver flavours.
Next I need to find some decent dark eyeshadow. Any recommendations? Ideally something that won't cause my contact lens to fuse to my eyeball. Although it would be cheaper than laser eye surgery.
Next I need to find some decent dark eyeshadow. Any recommendations? Ideally something that won't cause my contact lens to fuse to my eyeball. Although it would be cheaper than laser eye surgery.
stink bug, also known as stink beetle, is a wee, well actualy quite large by our standards, beetle that stiks its arse up at you then farts on you repeatedly till you're overcome by the stench. Nice little critter.