Does anyone have any remadies or a fix for insomnia that has lasted 6 MONTHS!!
melatonin does not work.
Valerian does not work.
Benedryl does not work.
WIne is not working anymore, I am turning into a fucking wino!
Other various drugs people give me are not working and it is effecting my job.I had to call in sick again because I had not slpet in 48 hours!! It gets to where I am up for 72+ hours and cannot sleep.
I have no insurance so I cant go to the dr, I am poor. lol
It is driving me CRAZY!!! I quite smoking weed because I run and smoking pot and running do NOT mix...I am proud to be pot free but damn I slept great when I did
I am super depressed

melatonin does not work.
Valerian does not work.
Benedryl does not work.
WIne is not working anymore, I am turning into a fucking wino!
Other various drugs people give me are not working and it is effecting my job.I had to call in sick again because I had not slpet in 48 hours!! It gets to where I am up for 72+ hours and cannot sleep.
I have no insurance so I cant go to the dr, I am poor. lol
It is driving me CRAZY!!! I quite smoking weed because I run and smoking pot and running do NOT mix...I am proud to be pot free but damn I slept great when I did

I am super depressed

Depression is horrible. Try going out with some friends. That helps sometimes.