I just saw an article about Oprah saying she was turned away from a store because she's black.
Newsflash! You were turned away from the store because it was CLOSED you snotty twat!
Shop employees have lives outside of licking the boots of self-important customers. Here in the real world, it's pretty common practice to not let any new customers in past closing time. If she wants to shop any old time she pleases, she should buy her own outlet. I'm sure it wouldn't even phase her team of CPAs.
Newsflash! You were turned away from the store because it was CLOSED you snotty twat!
Shop employees have lives outside of licking the boots of self-important customers. Here in the real world, it's pretty common practice to not let any new customers in past closing time. If she wants to shop any old time she pleases, she should buy her own outlet. I'm sure it wouldn't even phase her team of CPAs.
if i know whats good for me.
Take Care