I just got totally hooked up with Sirius satellite radio yesterday... it was a birthday gift from my awesome boyfriend. At last... good radio stations!! I don't have to listen to the lame Wyoming stations as I cruise around town and work.
More Blogs
Friday Sep 02, 2005
Another day off of work. I sent in a couple of applications for tell… -
Monday Aug 29, 2005
So I get the next four days off work. Things are slow at the theater… -
Saturday Aug 27, 2005
Just another day at work... My parents finally went home today so … -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
Okay, so slowly I'm actually beginning to like my job. I think I jus… -
Friday Aug 19, 2005
Happy fucking Friday! Just got off work. I had high hopes of gett… -
Wednesday Aug 10, 2005
Holy shit... I never thought I'd miss internet so bad. So finally I'… -
Friday Jul 15, 2005
So, I'm off to California in the morning to go to my sister's wedding… -
Thursday Jul 14, 2005
Yay! The hockey lockout has ended. I was really hoping I wouldn't h… -
Monday Jul 11, 2005
So, I've been away from the computer for a bit. Lack of internet acc… -
Monday May 16, 2005
I'm off to Seattle in the morning to find an apartment. Perhaps I s…