New Comic
The Story So Far...
I'm getting a new tattoo. I always wanted a specific kind of tattoo. I'm putting it on my ribs on my left.
Here's the process:
Step 1 - Gather materials for a mock up.
Step 2
Find a picture of Beyonce not smiling. and make it work.
You have no idea how disturbing it is to take a celebrity face and transplant it on the same celebrity in a different photo and get it wrong.
Step 3
Put it all together
Step 4
Now this is the hardest, hardest, hardest part. Find an artist who'll take what you just put together and take all the elements that you want and make it fit the way you want.
This is the outline the guy came up with
Now does anyone see anything I don't? Cause I like this but I might be blind to something.
The guy does good work I think, this is his portfolio
So if anyone see's anything that warrants a warning, I'm all ears.
In lighter moments, check this out:
And the drawing looks nice, but I reallydon't think it looks similar to what you put together