I joined this site years ago. I joined at the New York Big Apple Comic Con when I saw a group of women that were awesome to talk to. Offhand, I know I met @Suri, @Auriga, @Epiic, and @kiley. I actually got to hang out with Suri for two weekends that year and the first weekend was maybe one of the greatest days of my...
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tely more sexy there than me. I did not know the blogs did that thing with the title going into the body. See y'all there.
Felt like shit. Got little done because I can barely breath. Tired as all hell.
I am going to destroy my phone by throwing it into a volcano. Scratch that. I am going to lob it into the air and ken griffey jr. homerun swing bat it into a volcano. Scratch that. I'm going to set it on fire and then bat it into a volcano. Or at least the battery.
Gearing up for Comic Con. Wrote the scripts I...
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I log on and I have two notices from two people I really really respect so that made my day.
Gonna help watch my neice today. Think I'll sit her down and either put football, Batman The Animated Series, or Sailor Moon from Crunchy Roll on. She's two months old today so I got to get her started on something.
Might be going to a...
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Going to eat at Sahara first, get some incredible Mediterranean food. Maybe some wings over Rutgers.
But first I have to finish a script or two.
New kickstarter coming soon.
Listen up! Less than three days left on the Double Barrel Kickstarter
I've so far raised one dollar. It's not much but I'll take it. However, the work is going to be done regardless. That said, I would like to have this kickstarter succeed.
Let me recap the prizes including but not limited to:
10$- Pesky prize- If you donate any...
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Did I mention Pesky is helping out?