To some this time of year means family. To others it means giving thanks and reflecting on all the blessings the year has brought. To me, it means hot chicks I haven't seen in awhile.
It was nastier outside than three tons of elephant shit in a one ton shit container made out of someone's shit, so we decided to stay in. Freezing rain THIS!
Stuffed chicken breas, baked brie, champagne and no small amount of Bjrk made for a delightfully classy evening at home.
Some of you less cultured scrubbies may be thinking, "but MK, you're in your PJs, and sitting on the floor! What's classy about that?!"
Listen, on the floor in your pijamas is the only way to eat baked brie and champagne - especially when there is hot-chick involved.
Also it should be noted that you always finish a bottle of champagne.
Even if it means confusing yourself as to which way is up, I'm still not sure in this picture, but I am sure that we're fucking melting that couch into a smoldering puddle of couldn't-handle-us.
Special Features
Yeah, it's old-skool week: Today's rock, Black Sheep.
"I'm too young for 40s and I'm too young for butts,
the only thing I'm not too young for is the sluuuuts!"
"Yo Drez, it's your turn,
so act like gonorrhea and burn baby burn."
I love this band.
It was nastier outside than three tons of elephant shit in a one ton shit container made out of someone's shit, so we decided to stay in. Freezing rain THIS!
Stuffed chicken breas, baked brie, champagne and no small amount of Bjrk made for a delightfully classy evening at home.

Some of you less cultured scrubbies may be thinking, "but MK, you're in your PJs, and sitting on the floor! What's classy about that?!"
Listen, on the floor in your pijamas is the only way to eat baked brie and champagne - especially when there is hot-chick involved.
Also it should be noted that you always finish a bottle of champagne.

Even if it means confusing yourself as to which way is up, I'm still not sure in this picture, but I am sure that we're fucking melting that couch into a smoldering puddle of couldn't-handle-us.
Special Features
Yeah, it's old-skool week: Today's rock, Black Sheep.
"I'm too young for 40s and I'm too young for butts,
the only thing I'm not too young for is the sluuuuts!"
"Yo Drez, it's your turn,
so act like gonorrhea and burn baby burn."
I love this band.
Drinking around the world in Epcot would be a worthy adventure for FAM.
Glad you had a good day.