So apparently, despite all the whining about your current jobs or lack there of, non of you really want anything better because the last time I received such a piddly response to an update I was probably talking about penis size on the boards with some graphical profile pic.
If you want awesome employment ... see previous entry.
Now last night I somehow ended up at a table with fifteen (yes, fifteen) PhD students from UofM. What are they studying you ask ... Math. They were all extremely nice and despite what you might think, some of them even laughed now and again.
I learned that I have way more math jokes than previously assumed.
I also learned a very fancy way of counting with a name that I cannot remember. _______chematics or something.
I did notice that they were in serious need of hot chicks though. I guess all math departments are not equally blessed
edit: Here's a pic of my ass I found on the Intraweb.
If you want awesome employment ... see previous entry.
Now last night I somehow ended up at a table with fifteen (yes, fifteen) PhD students from UofM. What are they studying you ask ... Math. They were all extremely nice and despite what you might think, some of them even laughed now and again.
I learned that I have way more math jokes than previously assumed.
I also learned a very fancy way of counting with a name that I cannot remember. _______chematics or something.
I did notice that they were in serious need of hot chicks though. I guess all math departments are not equally blessed
edit: Here's a pic of my ass I found on the Intraweb.
shop at zares.