I love Wednesday nights at the "ocho" so much. Seriously, if you don't have a weekly night at a dive bar then you are the biggest loser I know, and I know some Republicans.
Which brings me to the most hilarious conversation ever.
Tonight at the my friends and I, and by "friends" I mean people I know and are awesome, were talking about how much we fucked up, as a nation, and some dude in a Marines hat (with U of M colors.. can you get more jackass-bolism into one accesory?) .. came up to us and gave us some shit about voting Kerry ...
First of all, that dude won a medal for Drunkest Dude EVAR.
So after being compoletely hilarious and totally drunk for about 15 mintues, I eventunally asked him, "so, what are you doing in Ann Arbor?" (there are no military bases for hundreds of miles).
"Oh, I'm here for the hospital." -drunk marine-hat dude
"Hmmm.. okay ...." - MK
(now remember he just spent 20 mintues telling us why Bush rules)
"well, I have some mental problems," - drunk marine-hat dude
"yeah ..." - MK
"you, know .. .from the last war." - drunk marine hat dude.
Then I met a sessy girl named Lindsay.
I love Wednesday nights at the "ocho" so much. Seriously, if you don't have a weekly night at a dive bar then you are the biggest loser I know, and I know some Republicans.
Which brings me to the most hilarious conversation ever.
Tonight at the my friends and I, and by "friends" I mean people I know and are awesome, were talking about how much we fucked up, as a nation, and some dude in a Marines hat (with U of M colors.. can you get more jackass-bolism into one accesory?) .. came up to us and gave us some shit about voting Kerry ...
First of all, that dude won a medal for Drunkest Dude EVAR.
So after being compoletely hilarious and totally drunk for about 15 mintues, I eventunally asked him, "so, what are you doing in Ann Arbor?" (there are no military bases for hundreds of miles).
"Oh, I'm here for the hospital." -drunk marine-hat dude
"Hmmm.. okay ...." - MK
(now remember he just spent 20 mintues telling us why Bush rules)
"well, I have some mental problems," - drunk marine-hat dude
"yeah ..." - MK
"you, know .. .from the last war." - drunk marine hat dude.
Then I met a sessy girl named Lindsay.
ok, you're in!
I just happened to be in my e-mail at the time. Haha. I'm not normally that fast.