It's not often that I wax serious-like up in this pornsite, but a couple events in the past few days have lit a fire under my proverbial, and nicely toned, ass.
First, on Satruday night I saw F911. Did I know a lot of that stuff going in, of course. Was I ready to vote Bush's ass out of office going in, of course. Was I ready to be this angry, no.
As the rest of the theatre was somehow able to laugh at Moore's comedic style of delivery, I just sat in horror. I wanted to laugh, but it was too real. I'm not going to get into what's true and what's not... honestly, it doesn't matter.
The woman speaking, un cut, about the son she lost; the footage of burning corpses in the streets, the soldiers being carried out of a tank... on fire.
This is NOT about politics. This is about people getting blown the fuck up - and neither you nor I can ever comprehend what it's like to see a child hopping out of a burning house, carrying his leg. NBC doesn't show that footage, people in this country think war is a Lee Marvin film.
Lee Marvin films are awesome.
War is not.
Republican, Democrat, Green... whatever. You can't want this.
So Sunday I was pretty bummed, feeling helpless. Sure, I can help change the future, but everything I had seen in that film had already happend, and despite my awesome I cannot change the past.
I rarely feel helpless, I'm not used to it, and I fucking hate it.
Today I received a phone call that made me feel significantly better.
"MK, it's Luke - I need to tell you something."
"Yeah Luke, what is up?"
"Laura is pregnant again; we're going to have a baby in March."
Now, you may be wondering why this is such a big deal; you may even be wondering how it's a good thing.
Allow me to explain.
Luke and Laura (not from General Hospital) are two of the most amazing people I know. They got married young, very young, and normally should one of my friends do that I would promptly freak right out, but not with them. For some reason, with them and them only, I thought it was a good idea... weird.
Luke and Laura want so badly to have an enormous family, like the ones they came from. They wanted at least four children, and once again despite my usual reaction of, "Kids!? What the fuck!?" I was actually pleased. They are the kind of people who should multiply and populate this planet with good, well reared children so that I don't have to. They are my hope for the future.
Last fall, I went to a wake for their first child, who died in the womb at nearly 8 months.
The doctors told Luke and Laura that there was something about their blood that would make having children extremely risky. There was a good chance that should they try again, they would lose that baby as well.
I lost a good portion of my future-hope.
So when Luke called me today, to tell me that he and Laura, after many hard-made decisions, have tried again... I suddenly felt very good about the world.
These are the bravest people I know. There is more heart in one of their rapidly dividing cells than could be scraped out of the entire state of Michigan.
These people are ensuring, through sacrifice, that this world will be a good place to live in the future.
First, on Satruday night I saw F911. Did I know a lot of that stuff going in, of course. Was I ready to vote Bush's ass out of office going in, of course. Was I ready to be this angry, no.
As the rest of the theatre was somehow able to laugh at Moore's comedic style of delivery, I just sat in horror. I wanted to laugh, but it was too real. I'm not going to get into what's true and what's not... honestly, it doesn't matter.
The woman speaking, un cut, about the son she lost; the footage of burning corpses in the streets, the soldiers being carried out of a tank... on fire.
This is NOT about politics. This is about people getting blown the fuck up - and neither you nor I can ever comprehend what it's like to see a child hopping out of a burning house, carrying his leg. NBC doesn't show that footage, people in this country think war is a Lee Marvin film.
Lee Marvin films are awesome.
War is not.
Republican, Democrat, Green... whatever. You can't want this.
So Sunday I was pretty bummed, feeling helpless. Sure, I can help change the future, but everything I had seen in that film had already happend, and despite my awesome I cannot change the past.
I rarely feel helpless, I'm not used to it, and I fucking hate it.
Today I received a phone call that made me feel significantly better.
"MK, it's Luke - I need to tell you something."
"Yeah Luke, what is up?"
"Laura is pregnant again; we're going to have a baby in March."
Now, you may be wondering why this is such a big deal; you may even be wondering how it's a good thing.
Allow me to explain.
Luke and Laura (not from General Hospital) are two of the most amazing people I know. They got married young, very young, and normally should one of my friends do that I would promptly freak right out, but not with them. For some reason, with them and them only, I thought it was a good idea... weird.
Luke and Laura want so badly to have an enormous family, like the ones they came from. They wanted at least four children, and once again despite my usual reaction of, "Kids!? What the fuck!?" I was actually pleased. They are the kind of people who should multiply and populate this planet with good, well reared children so that I don't have to. They are my hope for the future.
Last fall, I went to a wake for their first child, who died in the womb at nearly 8 months.
The doctors told Luke and Laura that there was something about their blood that would make having children extremely risky. There was a good chance that should they try again, they would lose that baby as well.
I lost a good portion of my future-hope.
So when Luke called me today, to tell me that he and Laura, after many hard-made decisions, have tried again... I suddenly felt very good about the world.
These are the bravest people I know. There is more heart in one of their rapidly dividing cells than could be scraped out of the entire state of Michigan.
These people are ensuring, through sacrifice, that this world will be a good place to live in the future.
If you like camping there's some nice places within a few hours drive. Or moose ride depending on the mileage of your individual moose.
I don't know... I've been living here for three years now and I've been visiting since I was a baby so I'm probably overlooking a great deal because I just don't think about it.
Now... if you'll come over this way I have a bridge and a used car to sell you.
I kid, I kid.