This weather feels like someone is standing on my chest while I attempt to inhale some sort of cheese, perhaps a baked brie?
Last night, still deciding it was wiser to stay in, I got a bit stir crazy and thought it would be a good time to reorganize my apartment.
I took everything out of the closet, and cupboards, and made piles of the new, the old, and the totally fucking worthless.
It was at about that point I tired of the whole opperation; my shiney wood floors are now imprisoned beneath old text books and clothes my aunts bought me at Old Navy with the tags still on.
Last night, still deciding it was wiser to stay in, I got a bit stir crazy and thought it would be a good time to reorganize my apartment.
I took everything out of the closet, and cupboards, and made piles of the new, the old, and the totally fucking worthless.
It was at about that point I tired of the whole opperation; my shiney wood floors are now imprisoned beneath old text books and clothes my aunts bought me at Old Navy with the tags still on.
I'm sure you were out there on the pavement jingling your little bike bell, you rotten sonuvabitch.