B.S.E. update!
Now that we are officially one month into Best. Summer. Ever. I thought it might be a good time for a State of the BSE post.
So far things have been going relatively as planned. Although the riding had been suspect up until this past weekend, the good times were ahead of quota to be sure.
Every earth day has seemed more like a Jupiter Day and that, my friends, is what's important.
Also, my modest little business just got an order from an enormous retailer! This means that my upcoming trip to D.C. will be spect-fuckin'-tacular.
The suite is reserved - prepare for the time of your life, Patrick Swaze style. Willem, I'm lookin' at you.
Now that we are officially one month into Best. Summer. Ever. I thought it might be a good time for a State of the BSE post.
So far things have been going relatively as planned. Although the riding had been suspect up until this past weekend, the good times were ahead of quota to be sure.
Every earth day has seemed more like a Jupiter Day and that, my friends, is what's important.
Also, my modest little business just got an order from an enormous retailer! This means that my upcoming trip to D.C. will be spect-fuckin'-tacular.
The suite is reserved - prepare for the time of your life, Patrick Swaze style. Willem, I'm lookin' at you.
yea we willb e even sometime soon
but hold on a sec, you didnt show EVERYTHING!!