I've been pretty missing in blacktion lately (UnZ, that one is for you) - but here's the deal.
I've been working really hard, on a project that you may have heard of, had your face rocked by, or curiously pondered from afar.
Tally Hall is a rock band of some wonkitude. We've been busting ass releasing the first album on the record-label-type-part of my company. It's taken four times longer, and cost four times as much as originally planned, the art took longer and cost more, there were over 50 guest musicians involved, choirs, hundreds of hours in two different studios, entire sessions devoted to sound effects, shots of Patron, even a schoolroom full of kindergardners. Yeah. It's not what you'd think of as the usual indie release.
So, four months and $30,000 later ....
Today, the album is FINISHED
Should you want one, and believe me you do, here are the dates. I'm so proud, like a father who realizes that those aren't the mailman's eyes, but his grandfather's instead ... I give you ... Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
Pre-Order: NOW http://www.tallyhall.com]tallyhall.com
Online Release: 10/24
Street Date: 11/22
I've been pretty missing in blacktion lately (UnZ, that one is for you) - but here's the deal.
I've been working really hard, on a project that you may have heard of, had your face rocked by, or curiously pondered from afar.
Tally Hall is a rock band of some wonkitude. We've been busting ass releasing the first album on the record-label-type-part of my company. It's taken four times longer, and cost four times as much as originally planned, the art took longer and cost more, there were over 50 guest musicians involved, choirs, hundreds of hours in two different studios, entire sessions devoted to sound effects, shots of Patron, even a schoolroom full of kindergardners. Yeah. It's not what you'd think of as the usual indie release.
So, four months and $30,000 later ....
Today, the album is FINISHED
Should you want one, and believe me you do, here are the dates. I'm so proud, like a father who realizes that those aren't the mailman's eyes, but his grandfather's instead ... I give you ... Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
Pre-Order: NOW http://www.tallyhall.com]tallyhall.com
Online Release: 10/24
Street Date: 11/22
are you going to miss me when i leave and cry a lot? are you going to come back to rochester soon and get drunk again?