*Self-shot*! I love that phrase..anyway, ive obviously got time on my hands cuz im here again having already - started world war 3 again possibly by turning up 4 breakfast at the prison canteen with the Koran and i musta called british soldiers pussies or something cuz this irish fella nearly decked me and started blaming the scottish..really...so off i went to bethnal green library(theyve lifted the ban on me now-unlike shadwell-fuckin hate librarians anyways
) and retruned thefuckin *book* - turns out it werent worth nothing after all - the only evil in this world is taxation - but dont worry - def is certain...unless of course your prince william or harry - genetic science was invented to keep these 2 little bastard alive a lot longer than me!
good - now off to find a motor - i feel a patsy hearst style double royal kidnapping comin on very soon..
thank fuck

good - now off to find a motor - i feel a patsy hearst style double royal kidnapping comin on very soon..
thank fuck