mornin equallee sick punk people...
shouldn't have stayed in the pub lasst night. feel even worse today. if only the doctors would cut their waitng list and give me something useful like morhine without this fucking paloava...
i'm waiting to go back into the SS(unemployment office) in settles street 4 the 3rd time this week. big deal? THEY STILL DON'T THINK A CUNT LIKE ME DESERVES TO EAT! ha. what am i ?? too white all of a sudden??
my crack dealing women beating alcoholic asian friends dont seem to think so.
that place is going up in smoke for sure now.
still business is BOOMING in north london and russia once again...probably something to do with that fucking irish-jewish BADS monday agreement about arsenal being ...well....soon to lose gilberto's support...
and i thought football was bopring!!
my mother keeps reading this shit. apparently it depresses her. she's probably a mathematical genious-anyone woman who calculates that 44 days or whatever in her company in 22 years is too fucking much MUST be...qualifications are definitely NOT 4 the likes of my family...
last thing she said to me before my weekend *holiday*in newcastle was *no you caN;T..borrow your sisters fiesta...GO TALK TO THE GANGSTERS!*
i swear to god. 4 fucks sake ive given up on the drunk slag. i really have.
shouldn't have stayed in the pub lasst night. feel even worse today. if only the doctors would cut their waitng list and give me something useful like morhine without this fucking paloava...
i'm waiting to go back into the SS(unemployment office) in settles street 4 the 3rd time this week. big deal? THEY STILL DON'T THINK A CUNT LIKE ME DESERVES TO EAT! ha. what am i ?? too white all of a sudden??
my crack dealing women beating alcoholic asian friends dont seem to think so.
that place is going up in smoke for sure now.
still business is BOOMING in north london and russia once again...probably something to do with that fucking irish-jewish BADS monday agreement about arsenal being ...well....soon to lose gilberto's support...

and i thought football was bopring!!
my mother keeps reading this shit. apparently it depresses her. she's probably a mathematical genious-anyone woman who calculates that 44 days or whatever in her company in 22 years is too fucking much MUST be...qualifications are definitely NOT 4 the likes of my family...
last thing she said to me before my weekend *holiday*in newcastle was *no you caN;T..borrow your sisters fiesta...GO TALK TO THE GANGSTERS!*
i swear to god. 4 fucks sake ive given up on the drunk slag. i really have.