Morning SistAs - here's some Old stNEWS for ya fresh from the ERA bulletiN Bored...
*........ and what's even more annoying i will be playin with the same useless JUnkie cunts as the other week at THE BASEMENT...THEY are sooo whiny and scared of KOTA(yakuza don)that they want a fuckin rehearsal before hand...Fat chance of that happening...keiths still shooting up in BARCELONA with that wet Flannel Rocco(of very late WASTED YOUTH fame)...SAD???
you Lot dont know the fucking meaning of the word cunt!
anywhows i gotta Go re-locate to a new borough this morning - i just got thrown out of the job centre in SETTLES street. Again.
aPpaREntly there's already 40,000 *artists* signing on i mean *JOB SEEKIN* in TOWWER HAMLETS alone!! i'm going north for sure Now...ELLO HACKNEY!!!IS ANYONE HOME?????? seviami??
xx M Xx fresh from SUNDAY Skool in shoreditch
*........ and what's even more annoying i will be playin with the same useless JUnkie cunts as the other week at THE BASEMENT...THEY are sooo whiny and scared of KOTA(yakuza don)that they want a fuckin rehearsal before hand...Fat chance of that happening...keiths still shooting up in BARCELONA with that wet Flannel Rocco(of very late WASTED YOUTH fame)...SAD???
you Lot dont know the fucking meaning of the word cunt!
anywhows i gotta Go re-locate to a new borough this morning - i just got thrown out of the job centre in SETTLES street. Again.
aPpaREntly there's already 40,000 *artists* signing on i mean *JOB SEEKIN* in TOWWER HAMLETS alone!! i'm going north for sure Now...ELLO HACKNEY!!!IS ANYONE HOME?????? seviami??
xx M Xx fresh from SUNDAY Skool in shoreditch