o dea
church again....what is it sunday???
here's some local gossip...
so i goes out friday night to see me ol mates the LADY LUCK crew...i dont know if it was a>the hot weather b>the hot weather C>the absence of naked women...in LADY LUCK@S nu posh covent garden home but there i am minding my own business when i bump into that tart MARK LAMARR (dickhead uk baad bad comedy tv show host as in comedy-music..but aint it all??) when...i dunno what happened....think i musta poured my drink ovA the cunts cheap suit...i can't remember officer...wet pants anyone??
anyways...needless to say the prick goes off like a firecrackin girl pussy and nearly scratches me eyes out!!!
*never mind the rapists*???
i don't think so....that cunt definitely fights like a girl...i gots the scratches to prove it too now...well worth the 5 admision fee....
god bless
x m
church again....what is it sunday???
here's some local gossip...
so i goes out friday night to see me ol mates the LADY LUCK crew...i dont know if it was a>the hot weather b>the hot weather C>the absence of naked women...in LADY LUCK@S nu posh covent garden home but there i am minding my own business when i bump into that tart MARK LAMARR (dickhead uk baad bad comedy tv show host as in comedy-music..but aint it all??) when...i dunno what happened....think i musta poured my drink ovA the cunts cheap suit...i can't remember officer...wet pants anyone??

anyways...needless to say the prick goes off like a firecrackin girl pussy and nearly scratches me eyes out!!!
*never mind the rapists*???
i don't think so....that cunt definitely fights like a girl...i gots the scratches to prove it too now...well worth the 5 admision fee....

god bless
x m