buenas am in sunny/gloomy dalston hangin with the leeds militia and not on the blag...long time since i used a mac o/s...bout 6 months...
apparently, the HackNey Bad Bois are the most sophisticated and violent gangSta rappers anywhere ion the planet!!
Wicked! I always said i was a good boy...guess i must've been turned over buy the metropolitan policia 4 the last time on my way back from the west sometime yesterday morning...its all memory lane these days ya know....
church yesterday...c of e?
council tenancy?
vacant house anyone? thats my favourite...
Might be taken by some asian lads from bethnal green down to the brixton bug bar on wedsneday night...god willing
x m x
ps that sod jonny not only brought some cunt called Brian down the paddock in Ladbroke Grove but even his real muvver too...she must be the queen of barnes...i told her * he's too honest*....*yeh right!* she goes
ps again..
this mac is not lettin me comment but 'ere's wot i mighta said to da kittyp :
nice one...you got an utomatic...like me now...or was that west london??
even my mother sounds japanese this morning...
4ward thinkin innit?
god bless
buenas am in sunny/gloomy dalston hangin with the leeds militia and not on the blag...long time since i used a mac o/s...bout 6 months...
apparently, the HackNey Bad Bois are the most sophisticated and violent gangSta rappers anywhere ion the planet!!
Wicked! I always said i was a good boy...guess i must've been turned over buy the metropolitan policia 4 the last time on my way back from the west sometime yesterday morning...its all memory lane these days ya know....
church yesterday...c of e?
council tenancy?
vacant house anyone? thats my favourite...
Might be taken by some asian lads from bethnal green down to the brixton bug bar on wedsneday night...god willing
x m x
ps that sod jonny not only brought some cunt called Brian down the paddock in Ladbroke Grove but even his real muvver too...she must be the queen of barnes...i told her * he's too honest*....*yeh right!* she goes

ps again..
this mac is not lettin me comment but 'ere's wot i mighta said to da kittyp :

nice one...you got an utomatic...like me now...or was that west london??

even my mother sounds japanese this morning...
4ward thinkin innit?

god bless