outlaws...outcasts...the raped and the rotten!
got over that one a while back. thankfully.
not all the good ones broken no more. most dead tho. women and men of bygone e.r.a.s
right traditional i am these days alsmost old.fashion.ed.
misadventure:coroners verdict on my fathers *un*fortunate missedadventure/demise some 8 years ago.
the good news.
bad news really does travel pretty fuckin fast!

tower hamlets are funding my *trip* to wales.
4 years of prayer/meds was worth it after all considering my subutext script arrived *after* i needed it.
leavin almost today.
aren't babyshambles and that pesky Lord Mullord(*jesus*,the press's moniker tho not far wrong) in wales???
oh dear. what a crying shame.
guess i better load up the van(white (Lt35)...tools...
2 italians. 2 bengalis. a tidy lookin west indian brother...driver...and me(no one in particular).
some kinda arc.
it can be lonely trussed up in the back of one of those things...luton vans...no windows in the back.
i didn't like the ride i xperienced the other day. like fast cars tho...
straight talkers.
better pick up some vaseline for *jesus*. cunt.
he ain't seein t.k.o on the horizon methinks.
good. what he don't know can't hurt me.
knows fuck all about *vendetta*.
i've severed my sentence. no blame/no shame=freedom.
3 months waas gettin off lightly for the dark i brought on last time something like this happened. proper lightly. now i'm treading an ever increasingly *t hin* path.
we'll see. after all i9 hoped to make 'sucees my revenge'.
no chance now. better invert.
white trash:black power!

god bless
had some of my best giggles being transported in the back of Lutons
- depends on the company I guess
take care