night out with a fat ol full moon-feelin light enough to negotiate Clapham Junction 2 steps at a time/don't miss not having a car when the trains run like this and maybe its the william gibson novel i just opened or CAT POWER(the power of - i'm trippin off)getting a fraction of the sleep 4 *optimal behaviour*...someones given me a scientific link 2 debunk my delusion of 4 hours good;8 hours bad...margaret thatcher claims she never slept more than 3 hours/night....but she was *mad*...still findin it hard to believe we're meant to sleep for 8, even 9 hours a day...now i'm at the point of bed or 5 scoops of instant coffee...massive kind of deja vu where the air is warm-brooklyn??but breezy-maybe gonna bring chan marshall in here every time i visiti-cat power power cat...obssessing over the imperfections, once again *random*media...my arms aren't long enough, feels like.....but found someone else to hit the button for me...that'll be fun...another pic goes up and i remember how much i love picnic at hanging rock...
god bless
night out with a fat ol full moon-feelin light enough to negotiate Clapham Junction 2 steps at a time/don't miss not having a car when the trains run like this and maybe its the william gibson novel i just opened or CAT POWER(the power of - i'm trippin off)getting a fraction of the sleep 4 *optimal behaviour*...someones given me a scientific link 2 debunk my delusion of 4 hours good;8 hours bad...margaret thatcher claims she never slept more than 3 hours/night....but she was *mad*...still findin it hard to believe we're meant to sleep for 8, even 9 hours a day...now i'm at the point of bed or 5 scoops of instant coffee...massive kind of deja vu where the air is warm-brooklyn??but breezy-maybe gonna bring chan marshall in here every time i visiti-cat power power cat...obssessing over the imperfections, once again *random*media...my arms aren't long enough, feels like.....but found someone else to hit the button for me...that'll be fun...another pic goes up and i remember how much i love picnic at hanging rock...
god bless
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