As Brenda Kahn once said..*i dont sleep i drink coffee instead*....

got kicked out the drug/alcohol men's treatment centre where i'd been living the past 4 months or so(bad *attitude* apparently) earlier this week...fell straight into the above salubrious soho basement wit some good company(aka L.A.B.) - i'd like 2 grumble but really

Maybe i should sleep b4 this party tonite which now marks me return to E1...

here's a better flyer!
god bless

ps fuck south london

Free Tix 4 me group Like A Bitch gig w/the KRAK this FRI in OLD ST!!
email me at : or
myspace this guy:
by friday lunchtime and you will get in for FREE-
i went to this night last month see THE KRAK and it was HOT ch know!
god bless