wHATS this all about then?
apparently rumour has it that on this quiet east london street there are more stop n searches than anywhere else on the globe...rumour always has it that once upon a time many moons ago on this very street used to be a flat slash brothel slash opium den slash recording studio slash party house- full of good humours and frequented by prominent peoples of all nationalities and sexes...open 24-7...musta been run by a coupla local hooliganss who thought they were bonnie and clyde or something...maybe they used to
impersonate musicians too...who knows...i must have been dreaming for years....
my self esteem gets down
i am so fucking bored.
http://www.bringyourownpoison.co.uk/lams/mp3/ " target="_blank">saturday night
and im even gettin my head round mysspace:
The Lams is not just an east london thing no more....
theres a e.london review of that 50 cent moviesomewhere...
apparently rumour has it that on this quiet east london street there are more stop n searches than anywhere else on the globe...rumour always has it that once upon a time many moons ago on this very street used to be a flat slash brothel slash opium den slash recording studio slash party house- full of good humours and frequented by prominent peoples of all nationalities and sexes...open 24-7...musta been run by a coupla local hooliganss who thought they were bonnie and clyde or something...maybe they used to
impersonate musicians too...who knows...i must have been dreaming for years....

my self esteem gets down

i am so fucking bored.
http://www.bringyourownpoison.co.uk/lams/mp3/ " target="_blank">saturday night
and im even gettin my head round mysspace:
The Lams is not just an east london thing no more....

theres a e.london review of that 50 cent moviesomewhere...

A quiet east london street. Surely not! You mean there is actully a street in East London that's quiet. Is it West Ham? My cousin used to live there.
actually (spelling correction)