yesterday was a good day.... i'm still full from the badass dinner I had w/ my mom and brother at Cheesecake factory.... omg... so good! also, went to tysons mall today to get this black christmas tree i wanted.... i've had this thing all year long about having a black christmas tree and decorating it with red and white balls and shit and i finally...
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Well it sure sound's like your in your holiday spirit.. but I never heard of a black x-mas tree. That's pretty spiffy if you ask me! shocked
Well, I like Punk the most but it's clossely followed with all kind's of Metal. I aslo like rock, reggae and some french rap. I guess the best band's would have to be Rancid, Nofx, Naked Aggression, Metallica, AC/DC, Ozzy, Grimskunk (a qubec band)...
Goddamit its cold outside!! I feel like such a bad mommy cuz when its so cold like this i just cant stand being outside with steve for more than a few minutes and i know he's got cabin fever and shit. Speaking of cabin fever.... start'n to go alittle crazy.... running out of stuff to do without having to spend tons of money.. i mean...
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Welcome and Thank You for joining the ________ group.

99% of the time it's not what people were expecting.

I encourage you to look around, ask questions, and use descretion.

If you have questions you'd feel more comfortable asking in confidence you can contact me via private message and I will endeavor to get an honest answer to you as promptly as I can.

With Respect,


as dayligt dies??? im cant get that outta my head or player right now
1st entry.... its like 11am and this by far the earliest i've gotten up in weeks. After having been laid off from the best job i'd ever had, you can understand my dissapointment and desire to just be fucked up all the time.... hence the sleeping in till 2in the afternoon.Got a job interview today... at a tanning salon... i don't know about all that,...
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Good luck on your job interview. I hope that you don't stay sad for too long but I understand. Getting laid off totally sucks (especially if it is from the best job you've ever had.)

Have a good time with your SG appointment. Just relax and be yourself and you'll be great. Be well. smile
Yeah, hope the interview went well... it sucks looking for a job especially when you like your old job.. bummer. Good luck with the set!