mood | butterscotch
music | Fountains of Wayne - "Radiation Vibe"
It's been awhile. Well I am computer-less so I haven't been online much lately. I am now updating at my moms house in Claremont. By the way there is a FACULTY FOUR SHOW TONIGHT AT NICKS CAFE IN CLAREMONT AT 10 PM!!! This show is for all you young bitches who cant come see us in bars. Anyhow life is as follows.
I just moved into a new apartment with Nate Hillen and a girl from UCLA named Erin who will be subleting until Mike OT moves in in May. It's a 3 bedroom on the westside of LA for only 1500 a month!! Thats dirt cheap for LA kids. Applause is necissary. The place is fun and living with these folks is working out well too. By the way, we are having a PIRATE PARTY for the superbowl on sunday and everyone is invited(You must dress like a pirate!) call my cell or email me for directions to the new place.
I filmed another commercial and it was a lot of fun. It was for American Standard sinks and it will air in March sometime. We filmed on the Universal Studios backlot and we were about 200 yards from the whole "JAWS" bridge. It was a mock horror film were a guy burst through a door on fire and then the director yells "cut, perfect, dowse him with water." Then I play the crew guy who couldn't fill the bucket because the sink was broken. We have a small conversation about sinks while the man is running around behind us on fire. It was really funny and a lot of fun. It was such a big stunt we had to do it in 7 takes. I think it will turn out great.
The 14 below show went really well for Faculty Four and we got invited back for the 22nd of FEB. We hope to bring If All Else Fails along with us but I'm not sure yet. We'll see. in case I didnt mention it ---> FACULTY FOUR SHOW TONIGHT AT NICKS CAFE IN CLAREMONT AT 10 PM!!!
Well well well. Things are pretty.... fucking great. I just care about her so much and we are so good together its just... great. really great. I went to Cat and The Fiddle last night for Drew Callenders 25th bday (i miss you campbell) and I met all of Kirstens LA friends. It was such a test because I'm really young(21) and they're all really old(25-30). But they seemed to all love me and I took Kirsten home at the end of the night so I guess I did fine. man. shes so great.
Well I think that about sums it all up for now. I miss a lot of people and dont think just cause we dont talk much anymore that I dont care about you. Thats stupid. Oh and one more thing ------> FACULTY FOUR SHOW TONIGHT AT NICKS CAFE IN CLAREMONT AT 10 PM!!!
music | Fountains of Wayne - "Radiation Vibe"
It's been awhile. Well I am computer-less so I haven't been online much lately. I am now updating at my moms house in Claremont. By the way there is a FACULTY FOUR SHOW TONIGHT AT NICKS CAFE IN CLAREMONT AT 10 PM!!! This show is for all you young bitches who cant come see us in bars. Anyhow life is as follows.




Well I think that about sums it all up for now. I miss a lot of people and dont think just cause we dont talk much anymore that I dont care about you. Thats stupid. Oh and one more thing ------> FACULTY FOUR SHOW TONIGHT AT NICKS CAFE IN CLAREMONT AT 10 PM!!!