Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday..and if u dont celebrate it I hope u had a good regular day.
I got a new tattoo on xmas morning LOL!!! one of my 2 artists, Mark....has bi-polar as well and also doesnt get to see his son over xmas so decided to work.
A nice new piece on the back of my neck, my own design.
Ill get...
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Thank you sooo much for the comment you left on my 2009 set... I am glad you think that way... It is nice to have your positive words of support... so thanks again.... How was your New Years hun? I havent heard from u in a while and thought i better check in.
Well just been quiet these last few days trying to get back to a more happy place.
Ive been playing a lot of Starport (75 day tourney) - is a really bonkers game this time around. Also been playin a lot of COD5 zombie killing on-line with my pal Fogg Dawg from Canada - is much better o/line than COD4 IMHO.
Merry Xmas to all...
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Sorry I didn't thank you sooner. I really appreciate the comment on my "Chateau Laroche" set. Happy Holidays
Thanks for the comment on my new set!

Well Ive been feeling really depressed since Sunday, im usually either down or manic on a daily basis (the dreaded Bi-Polar!!!), but seem to get really black depths of dispair at this time of the year..prolly the dark weather. Its not based on any situation at all, its just my condition.
So I am a bit of a hermit, although I try to set daily...
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Check this tune out - A bit of cool soul/northern soul with a modern flava
well i know we will never have answer for the thoeries but i still cant help but to think about them... it drives me nuts when i dont have answer for things... hahah and you HAVE TO GET stepbrothers... it is hilarious!!! you will love it
I like it
I like it

I was passing the tattoo shop 2day and thought what the hell!! My next appoint. for my sleeve is Tuesday, but I have enough cash so I got a bit of colour on my lizard..cough cough - and the outline done for a web on my right elbow...now that hurt a little! He's gonna shade and colour it 2moro. I thought I would stay in...
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Ive got an inner ear infection

Anyway Im ok when I sit down..sort of! Doctors on Wednesday, luckily I dont get sea sick so shud be ok.
I only get a bit queezy when I play some video games...trying to...
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Thanx for the comment on my first set

Thanks for your comment on my set
Well back from Amsterdam this morning, had a fun time although I prefer to stay a few days or a week. It was a special offer 2 nights on ferry 1 in Dam..only 40 quid (pounds).
I missed my tattoo appointment at "Admiraal Tattoo", because someone had to be airlifted off the ferry after an accident (was an engineer who managed to lose 3 fingers...
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wow pic 65 huh? a few people told me that was their fav.... it is alwasy sooo interesting cause i know which pics are my fav but i like to see what others faves are too.... so thanks for your comment on my set... i truely appricaite it and i am glad you enjoyed it! Have a great weekend hun!
thanks for the comment on my set!
LoL got it right this time..I think - Secret Affair late 70's early 80's Mod Revival Group - still going strong
LoL got it right this time..I think - Secret Affair late 70's early 80's Mod Revival Group - still going strong
Hi to anyone who has popped in to read my wafflings!

Its Sunday and its snowed pretty heavily overnight, I just went to get some food for a hearty English breakfast! Had to help some kids roll 5 massive snowballs off the road as they were getting shouted at by some resident LOL.
The kids seemed to understand so its all good

Im getting a...
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Damn this November weather! SAD, SAD...and SAD
Went out last night with my 2 friends John and Sandra..just a few in the local then to the Beat Club night..was ok.
Had a chilled day today just relaxin eating and watching some "easy" DVD's
Yay got me 2 tickets for wwe raw in London next april, twice the face value, but ringside baby..oh yeahh!!
Next bit...
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Yeah , i iknow what you mean mate, i broke up with him partly because he's only gonna be here for another 2yrs, hes in the military and is posted over here. I guess i will just have to tell him that i cant do the sexy flirty thing cause it ends up making me feel shite!
cheers for the advice
cheers for the advice
I hate the weather too!!!
I hate the weather too!!!