Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I'm sorry I'm terribly slack and haven't thanked you all individually.
Part of the reason for that slackness is that I moved house and haven't had an internet connetion at home. I have one now, whee!
The new house is great. Really, really good. A Peter Jackson film, The Frighteners, was partially set in my street. I love waking up in this street and being able to walk to work.
My retail therapy is so predictable it's shocking. As soon as I feel the slightest bit unhappy I go out and buy something. Yesterday, I bought a skirt that is terribly hottt. I remember a few years ago I was going through a really bad patch and spend a huge amount of money in one weekend. It makes me feel better, but not so good for the bank.
I don't know why, but my sleeping patterns are very strange lately. I get absolutely exhausted around 9:30 and go to bed, try and read, but fall asleep almost immediately. Then I wake up in the morning feeling like I haven't rested at all -- my dreams are extremely vivid and I feel like though my body is worn out, my mind is racing. That's maybe part of the reason I feel so emotionally drained right now. As well as being very vivid, my dreams are very strange, yet almost simplistic in their interpretability. I have had a few anxiety dreams about my new tattoo, the first one was about 2 days after I got it done and I dreamt that I woke up and it had peeled completely off and left no ink behind, just thin scar lines. The second one, I dreamt I was Harry Potter, about to go to Hogwarts for the first time, and I knew what was going to happen to me, since I had read all the books. But when I got there, because I had piercings and tattoos, nobody would be friends with me, not even Ron and Hermione, or Hagrid.
Speaking of the tattoo, I managed to get it done, although not on my brithday. I am really, really happy. It's starting to itch like all hell though. Here is a picture of it:
I am about to go into purge mode, I think. Shedding my skin. Throwing away things I should have thrown away a long time ago, reinventing parts of my life. Perhaps partially because of the move into a house that actually feels like home, I need to bring the other parts of my life into order. The last time I felt like this was when I changed jobs, moved into a job I actually really enjoyed, and I started changing bits of my life subtly, and then in not so subtle ways - including ending a three year relationship. It's about a year ago now since the last time, so maybe it's an annual skin shed. Sort of liike spring cleaning, except it's autumn here, maybe I'm tuned in to the northern hemisphere.
Time to start thinking about myself a bit more, I think.
Part of the reason for that slackness is that I moved house and haven't had an internet connetion at home. I have one now, whee!
The new house is great. Really, really good. A Peter Jackson film, The Frighteners, was partially set in my street. I love waking up in this street and being able to walk to work.
My retail therapy is so predictable it's shocking. As soon as I feel the slightest bit unhappy I go out and buy something. Yesterday, I bought a skirt that is terribly hottt. I remember a few years ago I was going through a really bad patch and spend a huge amount of money in one weekend. It makes me feel better, but not so good for the bank.
I don't know why, but my sleeping patterns are very strange lately. I get absolutely exhausted around 9:30 and go to bed, try and read, but fall asleep almost immediately. Then I wake up in the morning feeling like I haven't rested at all -- my dreams are extremely vivid and I feel like though my body is worn out, my mind is racing. That's maybe part of the reason I feel so emotionally drained right now. As well as being very vivid, my dreams are very strange, yet almost simplistic in their interpretability. I have had a few anxiety dreams about my new tattoo, the first one was about 2 days after I got it done and I dreamt that I woke up and it had peeled completely off and left no ink behind, just thin scar lines. The second one, I dreamt I was Harry Potter, about to go to Hogwarts for the first time, and I knew what was going to happen to me, since I had read all the books. But when I got there, because I had piercings and tattoos, nobody would be friends with me, not even Ron and Hermione, or Hagrid.
Speaking of the tattoo, I managed to get it done, although not on my brithday. I am really, really happy. It's starting to itch like all hell though. Here is a picture of it:

I am about to go into purge mode, I think. Shedding my skin. Throwing away things I should have thrown away a long time ago, reinventing parts of my life. Perhaps partially because of the move into a house that actually feels like home, I need to bring the other parts of my life into order. The last time I felt like this was when I changed jobs, moved into a job I actually really enjoyed, and I started changing bits of my life subtly, and then in not so subtle ways - including ending a three year relationship. It's about a year ago now since the last time, so maybe it's an annual skin shed. Sort of liike spring cleaning, except it's autumn here, maybe I'm tuned in to the northern hemisphere.
Time to start thinking about myself a bit more, I think.
i don't work with E or M, known them for years through my ex, and various other intertwined and incestuous (in the tiny wellington sense) channels.