~ Lately I feel as though I'm acting like such a girl. It makes me nervous that my behaviour falls into the expected 'girl' stereotype - when I talk to friends more and more I feel like I'm in an episode of Sex and the City.
~ Yesterday was a really good day. I picked up a friend and we bought food and went to the beach and ate in the car and watched the sunset and had long talks.
~ I found out today that I can start moving into my new flat after tomorrow rather than in 3 weeks. I have to pack my whole house! Panic! Can't wait, but still. Lots of stairs and it's going to be hell. I am going to dress henry_miller up in short shorts and make him carry heavy boxes and get sweaty. sucio. hottt.
~ Yesterday was a really good day. I picked up a friend and we bought food and went to the beach and ate in the car and watched the sunset and had long talks.
~ I found out today that I can start moving into my new flat after tomorrow rather than in 3 weeks. I have to pack my whole house! Panic! Can't wait, but still. Lots of stairs and it's going to be hell. I am going to dress henry_miller up in short shorts and make him carry heavy boxes and get sweaty. sucio. hottt.
i love that christmas would be sunny and winter is opposite.. i was thinking auckland but wanted to check into wellington and a few other places... what's your favorite and why??? i want the big city lots of opportunity thing but i don't want that big, or the high prices that come with it... i have a 8year old son, so i want to have a place where he is safe, yet not bored because the city is to small... i've got a bit to do until i actually get there... save money, work on my skill trade so i can actually get there..and well just tons of stuff... currently i am collecting and storing all info... any you want to give me, i'll take..
love to see your pics too... let me know how it all goes...
YEAH YOU DID IT!!!! no more being a girl now
i am a bartender.. and love it... i'm working on finishing hair school, but have paused the process. i will fininsh it before i move.. i'm a great bartender though... what jobs are in demand? easy to get? over staffed? and what do you do???