I think today has possibly been the worst day in existance.
Typical monday morning, I struggle to wake up, get out of bed, get to work on time. Around lunchtime I start having cramps. I mean like, really bad craps. The sort where I can't stand up straight, let alone walk. The sort where I'm crying with pain when I go to tell my boss I'm going home.
Magically, I drive home without killing myself or anyone else, and it's gotten so bad that I can't get out of the car and have to practically crawl to the front door. I badly need to pee and afterwards I can't stand up and pull my trousers up so I crawl to the lounge in my underwear and find neurofen on the coffee table, curl up on the couch and whimper a whole lot. Half an hour later, the drugs have kicked in and I'm much better.
Honestly. What the hell is going on with me? About a year ago I thought I had endometriosis but chickened out before the hospital appointment. Up until today I thought these cramps were just that, but I'm somewhere between ovulation and period so I don't think it can be. I'm worried.
Typical monday morning, I struggle to wake up, get out of bed, get to work on time. Around lunchtime I start having cramps. I mean like, really bad craps. The sort where I can't stand up straight, let alone walk. The sort where I'm crying with pain when I go to tell my boss I'm going home.
Magically, I drive home without killing myself or anyone else, and it's gotten so bad that I can't get out of the car and have to practically crawl to the front door. I badly need to pee and afterwards I can't stand up and pull my trousers up so I crawl to the lounge in my underwear and find neurofen on the coffee table, curl up on the couch and whimper a whole lot. Half an hour later, the drugs have kicked in and I'm much better.
Honestly. What the hell is going on with me? About a year ago I thought I had endometriosis but chickened out before the hospital appointment. Up until today I thought these cramps were just that, but I'm somewhere between ovulation and period so I don't think it can be. I'm worried.
But we're no doctors here, and I'm sure it's something fairly explainable and also treatable. I think the fear sometimes is worse than the actual knowing, no?